Very flexible? Think you might be hypermobile? Or maybe some of your students might be? This workshop will explore hypermobility and similar conditions.
Yoga is often thought of as a practice to increase flexibility, so hypermobility might look like an advantage, but it needs to be addressed with awareness to avoid pain and injury.
We will look at:
- What is hypermobility? What are the symptoms?
- Tests for hypermobility and other similar conditions
- Finding strength, stability and balance
For teachers: Help with linguistic instructions and hands on assists to maintain physical integrity; supporting physical stability from the very beginning of class
For students: How to work safely in class if you are hypermobile
This workshop is open to trainee and qualified yoga teachers, and also to practitioners who would like to learn more about hypermobility.
The workshop is explicitly welcoming, inclusive and considerate of bigger bodied people.
3.5 hours CPD for teachers
Please note that Donna is not a medical practitioner and medical diagnosis and guidance should always be sought in the first instance if in any doubt about your readiness and suitability for any type of physical exercise or movement.
"Thank you so much for Sunday! I loved the workshop. I had high hopes for it, and you exceeded them!" Rosie, May 2017
"Thank you so much for Sunday. The session was highly informative and I learnt a lot about how to support my own personal practice as well as being able to support and share this with others." Charlie, May 2017
"Amazing, thanks for a really clear, informative, practical, comprehensive, thoughtful, relaxed and enjoyable open-workshop and teachers CPD on Yoga and Hypermobility today. You are a stellar teacher and did a top job!" Hannah-Rose, April 2017
"Thank you Donna for sharing your knowledge of all the different stages and levels of hypermobiliy. I had no idea how serious the condition can be. You have shed light on and explained quite a few of my struggles. I now have some tools and techniques to protect myself moving forward. A better understanding of what I am experiencing and why. Plus great ways to test and help my students safe guard them selves. Thank you Donna!" Claire, May 2017
Goddesses! By connecting to the goddess within, we connect with the creatrix of healing, change and renewal. If you feel the need to call in strength for future endeavours or make a change in your life, or are just feeling a little lost and in need of inspiration, come and practice with us.
We will journey through inviting wisdom and insight, with a starting meditation to gain clarity which can elude us though daily routine and stresses, with some journalling to set our 'sankalpah' or intention. We will invite and build strength, by starting with slow, juicy flows, stretching and strengthening slowly to some challenging peak poses. We can understand and know ourselves better when we look at how we deal with challenges! We'll then turn our worlds upside down with inversion that can help us look at the world a different way! Finally we will rest with restorative yoga and yoga nidra to nurture the skills we have found on this micro journey, ready for the macro journey beyond!
Expect the journey to be sprinkled with story-telling from global goddess myths, scented with divine aromas (I am also a qualified aromatherapist) and spiced with some chant and song. We will end with some divine 'prasad' (sweet treats), and a special goddess aromatherapy gift for you.
"I really enjoyed the Goddess workshop! It was great, and lovely to meet you and the other ladies." Rachel, June 2017
"A heartfelt thank you to Donna and her goddesses for a truly enjoyable afternoon of yoga. It's just what I needed, more so than I could express." Natalie, June 2017
"Thank you Donna for the most amazing Mythical Goddess Yoga Flow workshop. Wonderful as always in your special way. And so nice to meet and connect with new people. A fitting day to express some divine feminine energy into our universe." Lisa, June 2017
A Yoga and Life-Coaching Workshop
This is a day-long workshop inspired by Dawna Markova’s book ‘I will not die an unlived life’:
"I will not die an unlived life
I will not live in fear
of falling or catching fire.
I choose to inhabit my days,
to allow my living to open me,
to make me less afraid,
more accessible,
to loosen my heart
until it becomes a wing,
a torch, a promise.
I choose to risk my significance;
to live so that which came to me as seed
goes to the next as blossom
and that which came to me as blossom,
goes on as fruit."
The day is dedicated to getting clear about where to focus your energies in life, through self-enquiry, yoga practices, meditation and guided writing designed to help your find your life purpose and passion. The day ends with a group discussion, restorative yoga practice and deep savasana.
"The day resonated deeply with me. I have been questioning my path and the value I place upon myself since the day. I would love to delve deeper into understanding my body and women's spirituality. I can only thank you for the inspiration, Donna." Sarah, UK, March 2016
A yoga practice to support & nourish during the dark days of winter. Experience practices to shift winter's tamas (stagnation) by building with slow flows to mobilise the body, lubricate joints, and build body temperature. Stimulate agni or metabolic fire with core work and twisting, building to some fun and challenging arm balances. End with deep restorative rest to sustain you during the external busy-ness of the holiday season. I love to host this workshop with a live acoustic music, and lit with natural, environmentally-friendly beeswax candlelight for an amazing transformational yoga experience with minimal impact on the environment.
"Thank you Donna & Ann for the workshop - it was fabulous." Philippa, Dec 2011
"I feel amazing after the workshop.. Thank you Donna for the experience." Lisa, Dec 2011
Opening the heart space of our bodies helps us to break down the barriers to give and receive love authentically within our lives. Journey through yoga sequences that encourage us to root down, lengthen the spine and open our side bodies, moving through a little fun partner work, alchemically arriving at a place of deep heart opening and freedom. I love to work with live musicians for an all-senses immersion!
"Donna, It was my pleasure to join you for the workshop on Saturday. It was one of my best yoga experiences." Dana, Feb 2012
"Donna, Thank you for a wonderful yoga workshop with beautiful chanting as always from Sean and Lila [the musicians]." Chris, Feb 2012