Voices from Goddess: Priestess of the Bee

Bees have buzzed their way through the mythology of most cultures - unsurprisingly, because without these colonies of little pollinators, there would be very few plant foods available to the food chain. Many of these myths arose during the Age of Taurus, c. 4300-2150 BCE, the time when many civilisations were matriarchal and goddess-worshipping. Taurus is the constellation of the bull, and interestingly, many myths of the bee are linked with the bull or cow. ‘A land of milk and honey’ for example is a metaphor that links abundance with bees and cows. Bees are seen as magical little messengers, flying between this world and the next, waggle dancing across the veil.

An image that came through to me very strongly was of starseed souls flying like bees from the constellation of the Pleiades, ‘the Seven Sisters’, in the constellation of Taurus, to earth and looking back at their star home. The image here is of a gold bee goddess from Greece, c.700 BCE, and the ancient bee priestesses of that time were known as the Melissae. Here’s a little poetic transmission from them that arrived last year when I was diving deep into these ancient traditions, the story of a Melissa soul’s journey through lifetimes. You can read my poem below, or if you prefer to just lie back and receive in the true Path of Pollen way, you can listen here.

If you’re inspired to dive more into the traditions of the bees, you can listen to this short journey into the hive with Donna - to make the most of the journey, have a candle (ideally a beeswax one) and lighter, a small dish of honey and paper and pen.

Perfect tracks to play in the background while listening to this journey are Mantra of the Bee Goddess and The Hive of the Mysteries, both by Layne Redmond. Enjoy!

Blessed Bee!

Donna xox

Priestess of the Bee

star dwellers born from primordial humming

from the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters, in the Bull,

Sirius and the Bee Cluster

dowager queens swarming to new homes

a star diaspora

flying to a blue-green flower

to Sumer I navigated my waggle dance path

in a moon maiden bull horn crescent of fertility

a Cosmic Bee Queen of the Stars

building a ziggurat hive

with central Queen Bee star

Ishtar the winged eight pointed Star

skep and bovine horn helmeted

looking back to Taurus, I am the bee from the Bull

embraced by lion-hearted poet Enheduanna

pollinating holy tree of life palms with sticky date pollen

Euphrates thirst-slaking lioness and tigress of the Tigris

I died a blazing supernova star sacrifice

freeing my bee soul to fly with winged beloved sister Isis

giggling and dancing bee nymphs together

lithe feline perfumed kitten Bast babies

smiling love and magic, painting honey glyphs at third eye

on each other

and on linen wrapped lioness cubs

from heart of Inanna and womb of Sekhmet

we shed amber honey tears to watch Neith rise from the waters of the Nun

built the beeswax structure of the delta House of the Bee

overflowed our honeyed reverence into black obsidian obelisk temples in the city of the Sun

where our babies were born from his eyes

eyes so bright that we were veiled

come lift our veils and see into the galbanum scented propolis tomb wrapping

of the journey of the dead

and yet not dead

souls carried as bees

by bees

past seven questioning sisters

into the psychopomp hands of Anubis

weighing their honey heart

 against the feather of Ma’at

flying back through the veil as Osiris resurrected

from the horns of our Sumerian helmet

buried in desert sands

 arising as seven life length knowing

cowrie shell rattle girdle wearing

sistra shaking sisters from the stars

to join an incense-and spice scented drum-marked procession

of Taurus

home and yet here

my beloved Bull

flying as doves

across the ocean at the centre of the world

leaping over the back of a bull

to a sacred cave hive where Bee Mother Rhea birthed drone Zeus

and we nurse maid suckle him on ambrosial nectar

and as doves and serpents we speak from Rhea-Gaia’s sacred earth

at Dodona and Delphi

chewing on the sacred laurel

in blood red gowns

bleeding into the hive earth

wheat sheaf cradled by Demeter dowager Queen Bee mother

descending Persephone deep into the labyrinthine Eleusinian earth

ascending lips dripping with sweet-sticky pomegranate womb hive juice on virgin queen flight

maiden searching for my Dumuzi drone honey man



blazing in the honeyed ghee fire of subcontinent demon slaying sun

divine drinking ambrosial amrita soma swilling

wedding drunk on heady blue lotus flower bridegroom garland

spinning flying waggle dancing



ecstatically space travelling back to our star hive home


filling me full of his fertile Aphrodite birthing sea foam

explosively initiating me into Artemis egg filled temple hive

I am rapturous




his physical Osiris body falling back to Gaia dust

his Aphrodite-blessed honey dripping bee soul

flies free

home to stars

as I Bee Queen Sheba return to hive temple

ritual mantra birthing egg babies

rudraksha bee beads in beeswax temple bowls

honouring my dancing consort

blazing on his star mountain

our brood grow and swell and swarm again and again

into Lemurian bee shaman hives

alchemising into Atlantean Royal Fire Family

bee coming Tuatha de Dannan

psychopomp bees buzzing from Tir na Nog

rising with phoenix passion

from ashen

bulls again

in the Morrigan’s red-eared Sidhe herd

stealing cattle from Cooley

still intoxicated by honeyed mead

from vulva hive of priestess queen

breath-granting the three gifts of the hive of CuChulainn’s heart

stoking the poetic fire in Brigid’s head

kindling the fire under three druidic cauldrons

listening to druid knowledge

mead circling in Tara Hill

goddess of battles fought and won telling of bounty of balance

countered by apocalypse devastation of abuse of bees and Maeve mead Earth

collapsing exhaustion of enslaved Oshun honey bees

 juggernaut driven on hive slave ships across Yemaya oceans away from their native Aye earth

breaking their Chango chains




honouring the earth

recalling the swarm of queen bee earth mothers

asking the bees what did the druids know?

they knew to tell the bees and to look to the stars.



Donna Gerrard (c) 2021

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