Voices from Goddess: Hail Mother Epona

Bronze age coin featuring an image of a female warrior on horse-back, perhaps the goddess Epona

It has been my great privilege and pleasure to share Goddess Mandala Yoga practices at the Glastonbury Goddess Conference for the last two years, and last year I was also invited to join the priestess circle for the conference.

There is still time to join us this year from 28th to 31st July 2022 - see the Glastonbury Goddess Conference website for tickets and details.

One of the Goddesses we will be calling this year is Epona, so I wanted to share the very first goddess poem that I ever wrote, back in 2016. Epona is associated with the horse, particularly the white horse, and the White Horse of Uffington chalk figure. She was a goddess who was widely honoured by the cavalry legions in the Roman army.

Hail Mother Epona, Lady of the White Horse

Hail Mother Epona!

Your nurturing horse warmth

Holds us in the dark night of child terrors

And you feed and sustain us

With nourishment from your benevolent and abundant lap.

With your soft nuzzling horse-breath

You encourage us to serpentine transformation

Shimmering your support from your pearlescent crescent crown.

And as your fierce care urges us out of our snake scale layers

You rise in curvaceous wildness to inspire

Your sweat-slick legions of birth-bloodied cavalry warrior children

To follow your thundering iron feet

And to dissolve into the urging aromatic oneness

Of your flowing equine mane.

Hail White Horse Woman!

Donna Gerrard

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