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Embody the Myrrophore Priestess 2025 - 2026

  • Beacon Retreats Old Rectory Llandefaelog Fach United Kingdom (map)

Donna, Myrrhophore (oil-bearer) Priestess of Brighde-Brigantia-Sulis, the Rose, the Bee and the Womb, Sister of Rhiannon and Yogini-Shakta-Tantrika, weaves together all her work and studies of the last 20 years into a journey around the Wheel of the Year with the seasons, and sacred oils that support that part of the year, to enable and support you to fully step into the role of Myrrhophore Priestess.

We start as the wheel of the year turns to Spring Equinox 2025. and end at the same time in 2026 - a full wheel of the year journey to embody the myrrhophore priestess, working with over 20 oils and covering the full spectrum of priestess arts.

5 weekends (Saturday morning to Sunday evening in person or over Zoom if in person is not possible for you), with additional monthly Zoom calls, working with a number of oils each month (including those from the introductory course, to deepen our relationship with them and their powers of healing and teaching) .

A full course manual will be provided.

The course will cover:

·       Detailed traditional, magical and spiritual knowledge of 20+ sacred oils.

·       Creating blends for self and ceremony

·       Channelling and energising your blends

·       Practical priestess skills

·       Holding space for individual and group ritual, circles and ceremony

·       Contraindications and working with the contraindicated

·       Making candles and herb blends for tea, incense, yoni steam

·       Sacred relationship and sexuality

Ostara to Beltane 2025 (Immersion weekend 19-20 April 2025)

·       Introduction to the Magdalene Myrrhophore Wheel of the Year

·       Meeting the oils for Spring season

·       Myrrhophore Maiden and Lover-Bride mythos

·       Maiden archetype and working with Inner Child Healing

·       Lover archetype and Healing the Magdalene Wound

·       Introduction to the history of the lineage

·       Meeting the lineage bearers and deities that support this part of the year and

·       Learning the practices we will use throughout the whole year

·       Anointing and blessings for Spring ceremonies

·       Co-created ceremony

Litha to Lammas 2025 (Immersion weekend 28-29 June 2025)

·       Celebrating this season

·       Meeting the oils for Summer season

·       Mother Midwife and Creatrix archetypes, deities, myrrhophore teachers, mythos and Healing

·       Water and Fire practices and ceremonies:

o   Foot washing

o   Yoni steam

o   Diffusion

o   Creating sprays

·       Co-created ceremony

Mabon to Samhain 2025 (Immersion weekend 13-14 Sept 2025)

·       Celebrating this season

·       Meeting the oils for Autumn season

·       Queen and Crone archetypes, deities, myrrophore teachers, mythos and Healing

·       Autumn season practices:

o   Incense blend and ball creation

o   Tea blend creation

o   Incense scrying

o   Candle making

o   Ancestral healing and psychic development

·       Co-created ceremony


Yule to Imbolc 2025 (Immersion weekend 10-11 Jan 2026)

·       Celebrating this season

·       Meeting the oils for Winter season

·       Womb Void archetypes, deities, myrrhophore teachers, mythos and Healing

·       Personal soul mission exploration

·       Channelling and energising your blends

·       Death and transition sacred myrrhophore work

·       Co-created ceremony

Ostara (Spring Equinox) 2026 (18-19 Apr 2026)

·       Celebrating the completion of the solar cycle

·       Presentation of soul mission projects and ceremony

·       Priestess dedication ceremony