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Ready to deepen your yoga practice or become a yoga teacher?

Or are you already a yoga teacher who would like to uplevel their skills in a soulful, soul-led way, honouring the divine feminine?

Or are you a priestess or holistic practitioner who would like to add embodied movement practices to your offering?

I've always loved the iconography of Shiva, the god whose wild yet blissful dance, the ananda tandava, on Mount Kailash keeps the world living and pulsating. Shiva has many names, two of them being 'Nataraj’, the Lord of the Dance, and 'Nartana' - The Dancer. My background is in dance, and dance brought me to yoga. After 10 years of teaching yoga and many many more of studying yoga, in 2016 I created Nartana Yoga School, and we had our first set of amazing gradates in 2018.

And now, after many subsequent years of being immersed in the Divine Feminine, having experienced many goddess and priestess initiations and held many transformative workshops and retreats, I am bringing this all together with an innovative 200 hour foundational yoga training working with the Wheel of the Year, the cycles of women’s lives, and goddess sadhana (dedicated practice). Shiva is stepping aside for his consort, Shakti!

Welcome to the foundational Goddess Mandala Yoga teacher training, which can be taken as a whole, graduating as a full 200 hour foundational yoga teacher, or as individual CPD (Continuing Professional Development) modules. Each weekend can be simply enjoyed as a practitioner also, without the requirement to submit the teacher training homework or assessments.

The temple awaits you…..