Cultivating Love of Self with Venus Aphrodite
Donna invites you to the first of our Wheel of the Year online ritual, sister sharing and creativity circles. This first event will be celebrating the turn of the wheel from the Beltane season (May Day in modern parlance) , associated with the archetype of the Lover goddess, to the peaking of the light at Litha (Summer Solstice), which is associated (on the Avalonian wheel) with the element of water.
The archetype of the Lover, along with the element of Water, align beautifully with the mythos of Venus-Aphrodite, so for this first online event we will be stirring Self Love with the Goddess Venus-Aphrodite into the cauldron, featuring story-telling, visualisation journeying, creativity and nourishing ritual.
A ritual box with items for your altar and to collectively create during the evening is available for purchase ahead of the event.
The event will be held on Zoom - so when you book your place at the event you will be sent the Zoom link and a list of items to gather for the event if you prefer not to additionally purchase the ritual box.
If you are not able to attend live, don’t worry, you will also receive the link to the recording within 48 hours of the call so that you can listen back.